Use this page to search the data generated by our project. If you are mainly interested in finding information from only one of our counties, make sure that one of your search terms is ‘Repository’, where you can choose Cumbria, EastSusssex (without a gap between the words) or Staffordshire respectively. If you are searching for people with a particular surname, remember they might be represented in the database under slightly different spellings (despite our best efforts to standardise!). Finally, make use of the ‘is’ and ‘contains’ filtering options to adjust your searches. You will get quite different results, for example, if you search the transcription text box for entries that simply read ‘shoes’ versus entries that contain the word ‘shoes’.
Devise your search using one or multiple search terms: just add new search fields to tailor your searches to your interests. For example you could search for ‘Smith’ in the Beneficiary surname field, and ‘John’ in the Beneficiary forename field.
For full details of the different categories of data and their likely contents, see the digest available here.
Alternatively, if you would rather use this data in your own software, you can download a csv file of all the full dataset here.