Thomas Greenup farmed Stainsgill at Culgaith in the parish of Skelton. The overseers vouchers of Joseph Turner, Matthew Cowper and Thomas Thompson for the years 1772-1775 with regard to expenses paid out for the poor show that Greenup was receiving large amounts of money throughout the year from the parish. On three occasions for £11.13s.4d ( 2 March 1773 , 15 May 1775 and an unknown date), once for £11.8s.4d (25 May 1772) and on another occasion for £23.6s.8d. A payment in 1772 says that it was “for the use of the poor”. In 1775 the payment is listed as “to expenses at to letting the poor”. It is not known if this was for accomodation or work or something else to provide ‘outdoor relief’.
He rented a farm from Matthew Atkinson of Temple Sowerby from at least 1772. The farm was advertised for sale in Cumberland Pacquet and Wares Whitehaven Advertiser 18 June 1782 . After six months the farm had still not sold and was offered on a tenancy basis of £200 per annum, the amount that Thomas Greenup was paying . It was described as a large freehold estate and farm consisting of a new Farmhouse, Barns, Granaries, Stables and Outhouses with 200 acres of pasture land as well as a further 280 acres of enclosed land.
Subsequent vouchers may provide information as to the exact use of this money.
Cumbria Archives Service, PR 10/V/3, Skelton Overseers’ Voucher
Cumbria Archives PR 10/V/6, Skelton Overseers’ Voucher
Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Whitehaven Advertiser 18 June 1782
Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Whitehaven Advertiser 27 May 1783
Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Whitehaven Advertiser 15 July 1783
This is a work in progress, subject to change as new research is conducted