Will of John Lightfoot (eldest son of Isaac Lightfoot) Wigton 1840

John Lightfoot was born on 14 December 1774 in Wigton, Cumberland, the eldest son of Isaac and Hannah (née Osmotherley). He received nothing in his father’s will of 1817, in fact this will detailed he was required to pay £640 owing to his father to fund bequests to his three younger brothers. However, John was a certified attorney of law in the town by this time and his own will of 1840 left bequests to his wife and children.

John married Betty Tiffin on 6 June 1801 in Wigton and they had seven children; five sons and two daughters. His will, after settling of just debts and expenses, commences with the female family members: to his dear wife and daughters Mary and Hannah (if my said wife shall continue my widow and not otherwise and my two daughters continue sole and unmarried) he bequeathed all his Freehold Messuages, Tenements, Lands, Estates, Hereditaments and appurtenances of what nature, tenure or kind whatsoever in the town and parish of Wigton, County of Cumberland) now in the several occupations of Mr John Donaldson, Mr Joseph Studholm, Daniel Cassons, John Knipes, Jonathan Peat and Isaac Lightfoot, for and during the term of their joint lives.

Upon the marriage of his daughters they were to retain control of their property independently of their husbands; a marriage settlement commonly used by people in business and owners of property.

He also bequeathed all furniture and other household effects (plate, linen, china, glass, books, prints, pictures, wines, liquors, fuel, and consumables to his wife and daughters (as before). If his wife died or remarried then these goods were to go to the daughters but divided as his widow decided.

His bay horse and gig were left to his wife and daughters.

Upon the death of the ‘last liver or survivor of them’, he devised that all his freehold messuages etc were to be divided equally to and amongst his five sons – John, Robert, Joseph, Isaac and Rook Tiffin in equal shares and to share and share alike. He requested that his son Rook Tiffin had the preference in purchasing his brothers’ shares in the Upstreet houses and premises, Joseph in the Knipes Shop and rooms above and Isaac in his own shop and rooms above.

The next part of the will seems to contradict what he has said earlier on because it says if his wife remarried or died or his daughters married, then all his property is to be re-divided equally amongst his seven children.

He bequeathed all his law books, papers, writing desks, ‘clossetts’, iron safe and other portable articles from his two offices to his son Rook Tiffen together with his grey mare and stock of hay.

He bequeathed to three of his sons (Joseph, Isaac and Rook Tiffen), wife and daughters the sum of £20 to be paid them within one month after his death. Anything else remaining was to go to his wife and daughters as stipulated earlier in the will.

The will was signed by John Lightfoot on 13 September 1839, witnessed by J.G. Willins and John Knipe with his dear wife as sole Executrix.

A Codicil was added on 10 January 1840, 1 month before his death on 11 February 1840. This was to be taken as part of and annexed to his last Will and Testament and bequeathed to his youngest son, Rook Tiffen, all his freehold customary or copyhold Lands, Estates and Hereditaments lying and being at Kirkbride in the parish of Kirkbride in the County of Cumberland to hold to him and his heirs.

The will was witnessed by Peter Pearson and Joseph Nixon.

Proved 1 August 1840 by Betty Lightfoot Sole Executix

Effects valued at under £300.

For further information on the Lightfoots see the blogs on posted on 31 July, 2 August, 3 August and 23 August 2018.


Cumbria Archives, WCOD 483-86, Will of John Lightfoot, 1 August 1840

Dr. William Ballantine Wigton Poorhouse

Dr. William Ballantine

William Ballantine was of the Ballantine family of Crookdake Hall

The Ballantine family inherited the seat from a younger branch of the Musgrave family of Edenhall Anne Musgrave marrying Sir John Ballantine JP [1632-1705] of Corehouse Clydesdale, he was knighted in 1663 and High Sheriff of Cumberland in 1694. Their son  William Ballantine [d 1710] was High Sheriff 1709 he married Grizell daughter of Sir  James Johnston of Westerhall without his father’s consent. Their son John Ballantine [1699-1756] High Sheriff in 1726 married Jane daughter of Frecheville Dykes. Dr. William Ballantine was their son, he was baptised 7 December 1736 in Bromfield Church.

In 1752 William Ballatine became apprentice to Henry Hall surgeon Wigton premium £42 0s 0d

William Ballantine was Master to these Apprentices

1759 Master [occupation Apothecary] to Jonathan Simpson Wigton premium £38 10s 0d

1762 Master [occupation Surgeon] to Robert Mccauland Wigton premium £25 0s 0d

1765 Master [occupation Surgeon] to John Shitfield Wigton premium £39 0s 0d

1766 Master [occupation Surgeon] to Thomas Mallison Wigton premium £50 0s 0

Marriage On the 28th of February 1774 William Ballantine surgeon bachelor aged 38 married Jane Porter spinster aged 22 in Wigton Church both were of the parish of Wigton & were married by licence.

Carlisle Diocese Marriage Bonds records

28 Feb 1774 Ballatine Wm. parish Wigton Surgeon & Apoth & Porter Jane parish Wigton

Bondsman William Brownsword p. Wigton Attorney at Law

These are the baptisms of their children from the Wigton parish registers

20 Jan 1775 James son of William Ballantine Apothecary Wigton & Jane his wife born 10 Jan 1775

5 Jul 1776 Jane daughter of William Ballantine Apothecary Wigton & Jane his wife born 7 Feb 1776

20 Aug 1784 Ann daughter of William Ballantine Apothecary Wigton & Jane his wife born 10 Jan 1783

13 Oct 1787 William son of William Ballantine Apothecary Wigton & Jane his wife born 11 Feb 1787

Other references to William Ballantine found

Cumberland Quarter Sessions Rolls Petitions Easter 1761

William Ballantine of Wigton: petition for subsistence on behalf of William Watts, soldier in 2nd Regiment of Foot Command, left in care of petitioner whilst suffering from fever

From a Medical Register of 1783

Wigton Surgeons & Apothecaries

Mr. William Ballantine, Mr. Lancelot Walker, Mr. Edward Walker, Mr. Joseph Hodgson

Wigton Poor Law vouchers and small bills

Bills for treatment & medicines for Poorhouse in 1776 & 1777 from Dr William Ballantine

Dr William Ballantine appears in the Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

Letter from William Ballantine, concerning the case of John Baxter 1786

Dr William Ballantine is also mentioned in two other cases.

Cumberland Militia & Cavalry Papers Provisional Cavalry Cumberland Ward

An application for the exemption by William Ballantine of Wigton, Surgeon and Apothecary is now several years past the prime of life. That he is frequently prevented from following his practice by tedious, painful and oftentimes protracted fits of gout and other disorders [exempted by Col. Foster]

[Note this appears to be in papers dated around 1797

Marriage Bond for William’s daughter

Carlisle Diocese Marriage Licence/Bond 22 Dec 1804

Rimington Geo. parish Penrith draper  Ballantine Ann , p. Wigton

Bondsman Borradaile Chrs parish. Wigton gen

The marriage notice appears in the Lancaster Gazette 5 January 1805

The sale of William’s premises shop & dwelling house 15 April 1805 at the King’s Arms Wigton is advertised in the Cumberland Pacquet of 5 April 1805.

William’s burial is recorded in the parish register of St Martin Ludgate London 4 Oct 1812 agd 77 [New Vault]

It is recorded in Cumberland Pacquet 20 Oct 1812

Deaths Thursday the 1st inst. in London, in the 78th year of his age, Mr William Ballantine; many years an eminent surgeon at Wigton, and of the ancient family of the Ballantines if Crookdake, in this county.


Cumberland families & Heraldry       Hudleston & Boumphrey

Britain Country Apprentices 1710-1808     Find My Past

Bromfield Parish Registers PR140         Cumbria Archives

Wigton Parish Registers PR36                Cumbria archives

Carlisle Diocese Marriage Bonds/Licences   Cumbria Archives

Cumberland Quarter Sessions Q/11/1/259/34    Cumbria Archives

The Medical Register for the year 1783        Google books

Wigton Overseer of the Poor Vouchers & bills PR36/V    Cumbria Archives

The Cullen Project Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790)

Cumberland Militia & Cavalry Papers Q/MIL/5/16         Cumbria Archives

Lancaster Gazette Newspaper

Cumberland Pacquet Newpaper

London England Church of England Burials          Ancestry
















Thomas Wilson JP, over-rules Overseer Isaac Lightfoot, re: Joseph Blackburn, 1773

Whereas Joseph Blackburn of Wigton in the parish of Wigton

in the county of Cumberland hath made with oath before me

Thomas Wilson Dr in Divinity one of his majesty’s Justices

of the Peace and for the said county that he the said

Joseph Blackburn is poor and not able to provide for himself

and family and that he did on Sunday last the 25th of April 1773

apply for Relief to Mr Isaac Lightfoot Overseer of Wigton

in the said Parish of Wigton and was by him refused

to be relieved & whereas the said Isaac Lightfoot hath

appeared before me but he hath not shewed any sufficient

Cause why the said Joseph Blackburn should not be relieved

I do therefore hereby order the said Isaac Lightfoot Overseer

of the Poor of Wigton in the Parish of Wigton aforesaid to pay

unto the said Joseph Blackburn immediately upon producing

this Order the Sum of five shillings and afterwards

weekly and every week the sum of four shillings

for and towards the Support and maintenance of

himself and family until such time as he shall be

otherwise ordered according to Law to forbear the

said allowance. Given under my Hand and Seal

at Carlisle in the said County the twenty-ninth Day of

April one thousand seven hundred and seventy three

Tho Wilson

The handwritten order above, dated 29 April 1773, from Thomas Wilson, Justice of the Peace and Dean of Carlisle Cathedral, has raised a number of questions about the relationship between Wilson and Isaac Lightfoot, the Overseer of Wigton. On the face of it, it seems very straightforward. Pauper Joseph Blackburn had applied to Lightfoot requesting assistance for himself and his family. Lightfoot refused. Blackburn appealed the decision by applying to Wilson. This was part and parcel of the Poor Law process. If they were not satisfied with the decision made by an overseer, claimants could go to the quarter sessions and ask the magistrates to review it.  As happened in this case, magistrates could overrule an overseer’s decision and stipulate what provision should be made for the claimant.

This is a handwritten order, but what is interesting is that there are two different colours of ink used. Most of it is in black including the statement that Lightfoot had appeared before Wilson but had failed to show sufficient cause to explain his refusal to assist Blackburn. Blackburn’s name, the date and the amount to be paid over, however, are all written in a sepia colour. This raises the possibility that this was not an isolated incident. The use of what looks like a standard response pre-prepared by Wilson or a clerk acting on his behalf leaving gaps to be filled in later, suggests that Wilson was in the habit of over-ruling Lightfoot’s decisions. One of our volunteers wondered how many cases were referred during Lightfoot’s tenure as overseer, before adding, ‘By refusing support he would look to be on the side of the rate payers, and when ordered to pay up by the Quarter Sessions he was not seen to be responsible for the expenditure!’ Perhaps a trawl through the quarter sessions may offer an answer. Equally, are there any other instances of this occurring in other parishes in Cumberland, East Sussex or Staffordshire?


Cumbria Archives, Carlisle, PR36/V/3/9, Wigton Quarter, Overseers’ Vouchers, Jos Blackburn’s order

Edgar Miller, ‘English pauper lunatics in the era of the old poor law’, History of Psychiatry 23(3) 2012, 321.

The Establishment of Wigton Select Vestry and the Appointment of William Buttery as Assistant Overseer, 1822

Vestries were committees set up in parishes to administer local and ecclesiastical government. They tended to meet at Easter each year to appoint parish officials, to examine accounts and at other times as and when the need arose.

At a vestry meeting on 2 May 1822 the inhabitants of the township of Wigton resolved unanimously that Revd Richard Matthews, in the absence of the vicar of Wigton was to take the chair, to establish a select vestry. Its members comprised ‘substantial occupiers’ of property in Wigton, together with the vicar, church wardens and overseers of the poor. The select vestry was to consist of no more than twenty men and no fewer than five to deal with the ‘concerns of the poor’.

The original members of the select vestry were:

Joseph Hodges of Highmoor

John Taylor esq. of Wigton

Joseph Parkin of Wigton

Thomas McAlpin of Wigton

John Pattinson or Pattison of Newstreet

Joseph Pattinson or Pattison Innkeeper, Wigton

William Bradshaw of Wigton

John Blackstock of Akehead

Thomas Armstrong of Standingstones

John Henderson of Moorhouse

John Smith of Mains

Robert Wise Shopkeeper of Wigton

Mr Isaac Westmorland of Wigton

Thomas Irving, Innkeeper, Wigton

By a ‘plurality of votes’ they resolved to ‘nominate and elect some discrete person to be assistant overseer’ of Wigton.

On 24 May 1822 the select vestry appointed William Buttery ‘as a fit person to be the Assistant Overseer’ with a salary of £12.


Cumbria Archives, PR/36/119, Wigton, Vestry Minute Book, 1735 – 1885

Tim Hitchcock, Robert Shoemaker, Sharon Howard and Jamie McLaughlin, et al., London Lives, 1690-1800 (www.londonlives.org, version 1.1, 24 April 2012)

The Appointment of Joseph Lancaster as Assistant Overseer, Wigton, 1819

At a meeting of the inhabitants of Wigton on 9 December 1819 it was resolved unanimously to nominate and elect ‘some discreet person’ to be assistant overseer to the poor of Wigton pursuant to an Act passed in the 59 year of the reign on George III. It was also resolved unanimously that shopkeeper Joseph Lancaster of Wigton was just such ‘a discreet and proper’ person and he was duly nominated and elected.

It was agreed that his duties were to be ‘the same in all respects as those which the Rotation Overseers have heretofore been required to execute and perform’. A yearly salary was fixed at £8.

The details of Lancaster’s appointment were entered into the vestry book and signed by the chairman John Dodd.


Cumbria Archives, PR/36/119, Wigton, Vestry Minute Book, 1735 – 1885

Isaac Lightfoot’s Will, Wigton, 1817

Many testators endeavoured to make an equal distribution of their estate amongst their surviving children. Often the distribution to women consisted of personal estate with money placed in the hands of trustees. Men tended to inherit real and personal estate outright. As an attorney, we might have expected Isaac Lightfoot to have followed this pattern. His will, however, shows what appears to be an unequal distribution of his estate with his eldest son receiving nothing and the favouring of his youngest son Osmotherly. We should be careful, however, as it is entirely possible that John and some of his other siblings had received in-life gifts not mentioned in the will. This may account for the distribution that was made.

In his will of 15 June 1814 (proved 27 March 1817) Isaac Lightfoot described himself as a gentleman. After his just debts and funeral expenses had been paid out of the real estate he owned in Greystoke, his daughters Mary and Margaret were to receive £200 each and £20 each yearly for ten years. They were also given a bed and bedding. Mary was to receive the chest of drawers in the parlour and Margaret the clock and case from the kitchen.

If either daughter died before the expiration of the ten years, leaving lawful issue, then their children would stand in place of their mother and receive their share of Isaac’s estate. If the daughters died leaving no children then the clock and chest of drawers were to go to Isaac’s son Osmotherly. Osmotherly was also to receive all of Isaac’s real estate in Greystoke.

Sons Isaac, Joseph and Osmotherly, were to receive money amounting to £640 due to Isaac the elder on bond or otherwise from John Lightfoot, the brother of Isaac, Joseph and Osmotherly. The amount was to be divided as follows: Joseph £100; Isaac £100 (but if Isaac died the sum or the remainder of it was to be given to Joseph); and £440 to Osmotherly. Osmotherly was also to inherit Isaac’s goods, chattels, bills, bonds, securities for money and personal estate.

Isaac, Joseph and Osmotherly were appointed as executors.

The will was witnessed by Robert Norman and John Mingins.

The value of his effects was under £100.


Cumbria Archives, W184, Will of Isaac Lightfoot of Wigton, 1817

This is a work in progress, subject to change as further research is conducted.

Isaac, Robert and John Lightfoot’s Articles of Clerkship and other career-related matters, Wigton

Isaac Lightfoot seems to have had a faltering start to his legal career. This may explain the covenant included in the agreement binding his son in 1792.

On 26 November 1767 attorney Charles Christian of Moorland Close, Cumberland, paid the duty on Isaac Lightfoot’s apprenticeship indenture. The following year Isaac was articled to Henry Lowes. What prompted this change is unclear at present. Isaac made sufficient progress however to set himself up in practice as one of attorneys of George III at the Court of King’s Bench at Westminster. In January 1775, by articles of agreement he took on William Wilkinson, the son of John Wilkinson of Arkelby, Cumberland, for seven years.

Robert Lightfoot’s early progression in the legal profession followed the same path as his brother Isaac. He too was apprenticed to Charles Christian and then to Henry Lowes.

On 2 November 1792, by articles of agreement, Isaac took on his son John as an apprentice in his legal firm. By the agreement John ‘did put and bind himself clerk to the said Isaac Lightfoot to serve him as such from the day of the date of the said Articles for the term of five years … subject to a covenant’. The covenant stated that if Isaac thought it proper he could assign over his son and the articles binding him at the end of the first, second, third or fourth years of his apprenticeship to ‘any attorney in London or Westminster or elsewhere’ that Isaac though fit to serve out the remainder of his term of five years.

By 1799 Isaac Lightfoot was one of four certified attorneys in Wigton. The others were his son John, and Joseph Martindale, Joseph Stamper.


The National Archives (TNA), IR 1/25, Register of Duties Paid for Apprentices’ Indentures, 1710-1811, Charles Christian, master, Moorland Close, Cumberland, Isaac Lightfoot, apprentice, 26 November 1767

TNA, CP 5/77/3, Articles of clerkship (as a solicitor or attorney) for Isaac Lightfoot, articled to Henry Lowes, with affidavit, 1768

TNA, Court of Common Pleas: Registers of Articles of Clerkship and Affidavits of Due Execution; Class: CP71; Piece: 1, Henry Lowes, attorney, Wigton, Cumberland, Robert Lightfoot, apprentice, 14 June 1768

TNA, Register of Duties Paid for Apprentices’ Indentures, 1710-1811, Charles Christian, master, Moorland Close, Cumberland, Robert Lightfoot, apprentice, 7 July 1768

TNA, Court of King’s Bench: Plea Side: Affidavits of Due Execution of Articles of Clerkship, Series I; Class: KB 105; Piece: 6, Isaac Lightfoot, attorney, Wigton, Cumberland, John Lightfoot, apprentice, 12 January 1793

The New Law List 1799

This is a work in progress, subject to change as further research is conducted.

Isaac Lightfoot, Overseer, Attorney, and Bankrupt, Wigton

Amongst the Wigton Overseers’ vouchers many are signed by Isaac Lightfoot. One, dated 7 May 1771, was an acknowledgement from Daniel Steel overseer for Wigton Quarter that he has received the remaining cash from Isaac Lightfoot late overseer of Wigton parish.

On 24 March 1789 the London Gazette announced that a commission of bankruptcy had been brought against Isaac Lightfoot of Wigton. Described as a money-scrivener, dealer and chapman, and a prisoner in Carlisle Gaol, he was required to surrender himself to the Commissioners at the Guildhall, London, on 4 and 11 April at 10 o’clock in the morning and at 5 o’clock in the afternoon on 9 May. On these occasions he was to make a full disclosure of his estate and effects. His creditors were also to come to the ‘guildhall to prove their debts’. At the second meeting the creditors were to appoint the assignees (those responsible for gathering in as much of Lightfoot’s estate as they could). At the third meeting Lightfoot was required to finish his examination whereupon the creditors would be required to assent or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. (Granting a bankrupt a certificate would allow him to continue trading in the hope that it would result in the creditors being repaid more of what they were owed). All persons indebted to Lightfoot, or any who were in possession of his effects, were not to pay or deliver them to Lightfoot but to those persons appointed by the Commissioners appoint and to inform Mr Mounsey of Castle-street, Holborn, London.

On 11 April 1789 the Gazette announced that the commissioners were to meet on 21 April following an adjournment on 11.

On 8 September 1789 the Gazette desired that the creditors who had proved their debts should meet Lightfoot’s assignees on 25 September at 3 o’clock at Mr Carlisle’s, at the Half Moon inn, Wigton, in order to assent to or dissent from the assignees commencing, prosecuting or defending any law suits relating to Lightfoot’s estate or effects, including submitting to arbitration, or any other matter relating to the bankruptcy.

More than a year later, in October 1790 Lightfoot was still in Carlisle gaol. The bankruptcy commissioners called a meeting for 16 November to be held once again at the Guildhall, London, (following an adjournment on 27 July 1789) to make a dividend to Lightfoot’s creditors. Any creditors who had not yet come forward to prove their debts were requested to do so, or they would be excluded the benefit of the dividend. All claims not then proved would be disallowed.

The Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Whitehaven Advertiser announced that those creditors who had proved their debts under the commission of bankruptcy against Lightfoot should attend the assignees at the Half Moon on Tuesday 7 December 1790 at one o’clock to receive the second dividend from the bankrupt’s estate and to consult on some special matters which would be laid before them. A final dividend was made in November 1791.

In April 1793, more than four years after Lightfoot had been declared bankrupt, the commissioners certified to the Right Hon. Alexander, Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, that Isaac Lightfoot ‘hath in all Things conformed himself according to the Directions of the several Acts of Parliament made concerning Bankrupts’. They gave notice that Lightfoot would be granted his Certificate of Discharge on or before the 25 May. From that time onwards he would be free of his bankruptcy.

It is perfectly possible that Lightfoot’s bankruptcy had been occasioned by his activities as a money scrivener, a person who Webster’s 1828 dictionary defined as ‘a person who raises money for others’, and who also invests money on behalf of others in return for a payment of interest. Indeed, the survival of a small number of documents relating to Dubmill Mills shows that Lightfoot was owed money.


Cumbria Archives, PR36/V/2/46, 7 May 1771 Acknowledgement from Daniel Steel overseer for Wigton Quarter

Cumbria Archives, PR 122/439, Copy of documents relating to Dubmill Mills, (Sale, 1778; repairs 1783; bankruptcy, 1789) (names not stated), on back of copy of declaration by Robert Sibson of Old Mawbray, concerning the money due to Isaac Lightfoot of Wigton, Joseph Osmotherley of Allonby, Richard Barns of Dryholm, and Jeremy Barwise of Nook from the £1867 paid him by “Margery Jackson of London”

Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Whitehaven Advertiser, 01 December 1790, p.3

This is a work in progress, subject to change as more research is conducted.




Rules of Wigton Female Friendly Society from Frederick Morton Eden’s ‘The State of the Poor’ (1797)

Morton summarises the main rules of the society and adds his own comments.

Healthy women under 43 years of age are admitted, on paying 1s 9d, entrance money, 7d box money, and 1d towards providing a doctor.

A member of 3 years standing is allowed, in case of sickness, 5s a week for the first 10 weeks; 3s a week there afterwards; but no sickness, or lameness, in the time of pregnancy, entitles a member to relief from the Society; but if they are the consequence of pregnancy, such member is entitled to the allowance, to commence one month after her lying in. £5 are allowed towards the funeral expenses of a member, and £2 towards the funeral expenses of a husband; but a member cannot receive the last allowance more than once in her life.

Widows are allowed £2 on the death of a child; and unmarried members £2 on the death of a father, brother &c.

Members disclosing the secrets of the Society, upbraiding one another, refusing to be silent, after due notice, &c are liable to a fine; the framers of these rules, which are very minute, seem to have entertained strong ideas of the loquacity of the sex.

The following rule seems well calculated to punish dissoluteness of manners, among the female part of the labouring class.

If any single or unmarried woman, having had a child, before she entered the Society, shall commit the same crime, when in the Society, she shall be excluded; or, if any married woman shall have a child in the absence of her husband, she also shall be excluded, provided she cannot satisfy the Society in six months.

Members of 20 years standing are allowed 2s a week for life, while the fund consists of £100 and upwards.

For managing the concerns, and keeping the keys of the strong box of this Society, two stewardesses are taken by rotation, and continue six months in office; two collectors, who are chosen by the stewardesses, collect fines, &c: a beadle, and warden, (both females), are likewise taken by rotation; the former is the message bearer, and the latter inspects the public affairs of the Society, to see that the officers discharge their duty, and attends the door on club nights. A committee of six women, is taken by rotation, from the roll every six months, whose business is to determine all controversies, to accept members, with the concurrence of the stewardesses, and to give their assent to the lending or disposing of money, or other things, belonging to this Society. The club meets once a month at an ale house in Wigton, the landlady of which is bound under the penalty of 2s 6d to find them good ale.

A Description of Wigton from William White, History Directory and Gazetteer of Cumberland and Westmorland (Leeds: Edward Baines and Co.,1829)

Though the pressure of the poor rates appear to be as heavy here [in Cumberland] as in most other parts of the kingdom, it would still be much greater if its evils were not alleviated by the munificent posthumous charities that have been bequeathed at different periods…

Population of Wigton parish

1801 3357

1811 4051

1821 houses 991, families 1240, persons 5456

Wigton Parish is about 5 miles in length and three in breadth … On its western side is the river Waver, besides which it is intersected by several small brooks, and the Wiza rivulet, and contains a small lake called Martin Tarn, in which pike, perch and eels are taken. The land is generally low but possesses a dry and fertile soil, varying from loam, clay and gravel. Here is plenty of red freestone, but no limestone or coal. A spring called Hally-well, rises from iron ore; and near Kirkland is a ‘Spaw well’ said to possess medicinal virtues and also a powerful spring, which sends forth to the Wiza about nine gallons per minute. The parish contains four townships, of which the following forms an enumeration.

Wigton Parish 1801








1821 persons
Oulton twp 294 321 76 77 336
Waverton High and Low twp 375 409 89 89 477
Wigton twp 2450 2977 729 956 4056
Woodside Quarter twp 238 344 97 118 587
Total 3357 4051 991 1240 5456


Wigton, the capital of this parish and of the Deanery to which it gives its name, is a neat, commodious, and well-built market town, standing in a pleasant and healthy situation … The streets are tolerably spacious, and contain many good houses. During the last thirty years many improvement have been effected. The heavy and clumsily built shambles and market cross, which so much incommoded the market place, have been removed, and the site formed into a spacious square, with an ornamental cast iron pump in the centre. The late Mr T. Holmes erected several elegant buildings, which have greatly improved the eastern aspect of the town. The high roads in the vicinity are now in excellent repair, and some new ones were formed and several good bridges built about twenty years since, under the inspection of Mr T. Bushby. Since the year 1801, Wigton has nearly doubled its population, owing to the inclosure of the commons and the increase of its manufactures, which formerly consisted of tow-cloth, Osnaburghs, coarse linens, striped checks, and calicoes, but of late years fustians, muslins, ginghams, &c have been introduced. An establishment for the printing of calicoes was commenced at the Spittal in 1790 by Messrs. Brummell and Irving. Here are also three dyehouses, and three hat and five nail manufactories, besides several breweries, tanneries &c, &c… The town is supplied with coal and lime from Bolton about four miles distant … A market is held every Thursday and a Horse Fair on the 20 February and a fair for cattle and merchandise on 5 April.

Wigton church, dedicated to St Mary, is a large elegant fabric, which was built in 1788. There was a Free Chapel in Wigton, called the Hospital of St Leonard, but its founder is unknown.

The church is the only episcopal place of worship in the whole of this populous parish; but there are in the town four dissenting chapels viz. the Friends’ Meeting House, in Allonby Road; the Independent Calvinist Chapel, at Market Hill, built in 1819, and two Wesleyan Methodist Chapels, one of which is an old building, (erected in 1788) in Meeting House Lane, and the other is a neat edifice, built in 1828 in George Street.

The Hospital in Wigton was founded in 1725, for the reception of six indigent widows of Protestant beneficed clergymen … £9 per annum is paid to each of the six inmates, and 10s extra to the eldest, who is appointed governess. They each have three apartments in the hospital, which is a humble but comfortable edifice … The Workhouse for Wigton is in Old Lane. William Buttery is the governor and assistant overseer. The sum collected for the poor rates in 1803 was £727 3s 2d …

There is in the town a Master Mason’s Lodge, No. 614; and also a Royal Arch Chapter, No 156, besides a few small annual benefit societies.

Wigton Free Grammar School: The school room and master’s house were built by the Revd Robert Tomlinson in 1730, the parishioners being at the expense of leading the materials and providing the ground … The headmaster is regularly to teach the Greek and Latin languages, except on Thursdays when he is allowed to teach his own scholars writing, arithmetic, mathematics, history, geography &c… The school is free to the children of the owners or occupiers of the farms or tenements, whose former proprietors contributed either money, materials or labour towards its erection or endowment… Mr Robert Sumners is the head master, and Mr Joseph Scott the second master.

Here are two Sunday schools, one attached to the Calvinist chapel where 80 children attend, and one belonging to the church, where about 240 boys and girls are generally in attendance. The latter is a spacious edifice, which was built in 182o.

A lending parochial library was established at Wigton by the associates of the late Dr Bray in 1783 but the collection of books is not very valuable. Here is also a Subscription Library in Church Street and a Circulating Library at Mr Ismay’s in King Street. In the latter street there is likewise a Subscription News Room, and at the Calvinist chapel there is a Congregational Library, to which each member, on being initiated, contributes a book, and continues to pay a yearly subscription.